Updating Elements Grouped under a SVG:G

your feedback

This in response to a SO question but it is also a good opportunity to briefly demonstrate how to apply D3's update/exit/pattern when elements are grouped under a svg:g element. This is a common situation although it is a bit different than using the pattern against elements that are NOT grouped.

DIVs can paint a thousand words :)
So, if you click on the different datasets below you will see that the bars and associated text update correctly.


And here is the main section of code to make it happen:

						// dataset 1, the 2 other datasets have different count values
						var data1 = [
							{"name": "AGE SUM", "id": 0, "count": 98},
							{"name": "father", "id": 2, "count": 57},
							{"name": "mother", "id": 1, "count": 41}


						var g = svg.selectAll("g")
							.data(data, function(d) {return d.count;});

						g.exit().remove(); // g exit selection

						var gEnter = g.enter() // g enter selection (captured for appending elements)

						gEnter // appending rect elements off the g enter selection

						g.select(".rect") // updating rect elements

						gEnter // appending text elements off the g enter selection

						g.select(".text") // updating text elements
							.attr("x",function(d) {return d.count + 2;})

Two important notes here:

Well, I sincerely hope this is clear. I will leave you with an excellent starting point for understanding the enter/update/exit pattern:

Thanks for dropping by.

May 8, 2014